If you would like further details of our services or to enquire about a booking, please email us using the address below. On receiving an enquiry from you, we will contact you to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet and discuss your requirements (so please provide a telephone number where you can be reached). We promise that there will be no hard sell, just an informal discussion as to exactly what you are looking for and for us to explain how we operate and what we can do for you. If, at the end of our initial meeting, you are not entirely happy that Plus One Studios can provide what you want, then it won't have cost you a penny. At the same time, if for any reason your requests are beyond our resources, then we shall tell you there and then. If there is a time delay between our intial meeting and the assignment, we shall contact you again nearer the time to ensure that circumstances have not changed. We are building our reputation on providing our clients with what they want - not with what we think they want! Email: plusonestudios@btinternet.com |